Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Why blogging is pretty lame

Yup.  I said it.  I'm pretty much a novice to blogging.  Okay - I started yesterday, so pretty much might even be a great stretch, really.  But ranting?  I'm an expert.  I learned long ago how to get going and not stop - and find a way to get an audience.  Blogging, though?  Kinda pathetisad, if I do say so, myself. 

Here's the role of a blog:

I want to have an audience - but no one will ever listen to me.  OR - I want to keep a record of my thoughts, like a diary - but put it out there for everyone to read and see.  OR - and count yourself lucky if this is you - I DO have a bunch of people who want to listen to me, and I'll put it out there for open forum debate.  Much like FOX News would criticize George Bush, or CNN hounds Barack Obama.  Listen, kids.  This blog thing is fun and all - but if we're taking it seriously, that's the big problem, here. 

I read a blog yesterday about a man who patented how to get a woman in bed.  Sadly, that wasn't the degrading or insulting part.  The pathetic section was a person who responded - offended - that a man would do this.  Guess what?  If he's writing a book about his conquests or successes, either A.  It works (highly unlikely) or B.  He's such a smokin' hottie - that it wouldn't matter how much of a complete tool he is - someone's gonna sleep with him.  My wife and I still have that '5 list.'  Remember Ross's 5 ladies on Friends that he's able to pursue if they're interested?  Pathetic, sad, & fun, but listen.  Men are disgusting.  Nasty beings, frankly.  I'm uncertain how any woman could ever pursue us.  Or man, for that matter.  My guess is that if one of those men stopped by our house, I'd have to say farewell to my lovely wife.  Men?  We pursue it.  We're shallow.  Welcome to the party.  The only thing more pathetic than a man 'patenting' this womanizing thing was someone willing to argue with this nardil.  Geez.

So - enjoy these silly blogs.  They're rather sad, though.  Filling some crazy void somewhere.  Be back again tomorrow.

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