Thursday, September 9, 2010

Really? This is a big deal?

Okay - I'm speaking from an easy chair of life, here.  I'm a man - married, secure in my job, and relatively happy.  But is this what we need to make a big deal about?  Really?  I've been 'active' in my party - if I can define that by voting, and hanging up when the union calls my house.  Frankly, I love telling those AFT folks that, yes, I am supporting a Republican candidate, and no, it's not Arlen Specter.  I like them pausing, and almost hearing the "uh-oh...  another crazy one here." through the line.

But really, Republicans?  Gay marriage?  Why do we care?

Frankly - I'm more supportive of gay marriage than most liberals are.

But what I really don't get is why - even if someone foolishly cares about this issue - and I don't want to get even started on THAT issue today - why in God's green earth is it even a discussion point?  Aren't Republicans - and frankly - our country - built around these differences?  Shouldn't we protect these individual liberties and differences?  Fight for them?  I understand why the party got this far - more voters in the older segment and extreme beliefs section of the party - but wake up, people.  This isn't a big stretch here.

I heard a comedian once make a comment.  "In high school, I was gay-friendly.  Or as they called me then, gay."  "But things have changed in our society.  It used to be - we wanted to have separation.  The crazy people fought for separation.  We wanted minorities to only marry other minorities.  No mixing allowed.  Now, we want gays to marry...  Us?"  How can we have come so far to have not gone anywhere at all?

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